Insights from our monitoring program

Before releasing this new budget control function, we have of course tested it . This trial took place during the winter of 2022-2023, to ensure that we tested during a variety of outdoor conditions. Ten different households participated in our monitoring program, both in the UK and in Belgium. The UP package was tested in different projects from new build to renovation and with a variety of emitters (radiators, underfloor heating,...).

During this trial we closely monitored the energy savings and the comfort of the users. During the randomised trial users reported on their comfort score, while we also monitored how often the participants manually altered their set point. Therefore we are confident the algorithm can help you save energy without significantly impacting your comfort.

Of course the most interesting insight about this functionality are the energy savings. The measured savings ranged between 5% and 30% on space heating depending on a variety of factors such as ambient temperature, house size, set point, habits of the inhabitants,.... We expect you can save 8 - 10% on your space heating energy consumption by activating the energy saving feature. In combination with PV panels you can save even more by storing free PV energy in your hot water cylinder.

Before the Daikin Altherma UP series I had the habit of monitoring my energy consumption quite regularly, but after awhile I just left the space heating setpoint of my heat pump at a fixed value.

Thanks to the Daikin Altherma UP series sensor technology, I no longer have to worry about that. This smart system optimizes based on the chosen setting (standard, eco, super eco) without me having to sacrifice comfort.

Furthermore, I can see the current and historical consumption of my house in a visually clear way in the Onecta App.

Via the icons in the app, it’s also nicely visualized when PV optimization of DHW/space heating occurs.

David De Smeyter